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Embracing YOU <3

Hi, ladies! So, let's talk for a few minutes.

A lot of us have faced low self-esteem, insecurities, jealously towards another woman, and envy of another woman's success, relationship and/or marriage. Let's be is not an easy task to be a woman in today's society. We have full access to many different social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc) and oftentimes we become so tied up with comparing ourselves with other women that we lose sight of our true value. We see the lifestyles, relationships, marriages, and success of other women and immediately become envious. We become depressed within ourselves because we are constantly trying to make ourselves out to be like these other women.

Why do we continue to hurt ourselves this way?

I think the true answer to this question is that we all have faced situations within our childhoods and earlier years that are the root to our current insecurities. Some of us have been physically, emotionally, and/or mentally abused, raped, molested, cheated on, told we'd never amount to anything, and have had our fathers/mothers walk out on us. The issue is we've never taken the time to actually deal with this hurt. We ignore the fact that we've been hurt, and instead of acknowledging the hurt and allowing that acknowledgment to heal us we let it settle and destroy us.

How long will you continue to compare yourself to other women?

You are who you are because God makes NO mistakes. Please believe me when I tell you that God knew exactly what He was doing when he formed you. He crossed every (t) and dotted every (i). God made us in His image, and everything about our God is perfect and true. Does this mean He expects perfection out of us? Absolutely not. But, He does expect us to love, value, cherish, and respect ourselves as His creation. Everything God makes is good. There is no bad in what God creates.

So, today...ladies, I encourage you to begin to embrace yourself. Begin to embrace everything that makes you YOU. Begin to look at yourself in the mirror and embrace those flaws. Embrace it ALL! Yes, that includes the characteristics that you think are soooo "ugly" about you. If God was brilliant enough to create are valuable enough to accept it with every bit of confidence!

I love you ladies, and I hope that this has encouraged you to fully embrace your inner and outer being! Thanks for taking the time to read my first blog. Until next time..

- Apriann M. Sutton

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